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Club Race Reports Season 1949-1950

Liverpool & District XC Union

Championships - Woolton - 28/01/1950 - Senior Men

The Liverpool & District Cross-Country Union annual championships were held at Woolton last Saturday afternoon, and although Wallasey Athletic Club's, teams were placed 4th in each of the three races, W.A.C. individuals gained their share of the medals. The frozen turf just thawed by the afternoon sun made the going underfoot firm but not hard. The big thrill, of the afternoon was the victory of W.A.C.'s Bob Johnston in the 5 miles junior (18-21) race which was won by Liverpool Harriers' team. He showed fine ability and good judgment to win by the comfortable margin of 1 min. 20 secs., in 29 mins. 56 secs., a well-deserved triumph following his excellent performance the previous Saturday, when he finished 67th, and second counting man for Cheshire, in the Inter-Counties Championships. John McFarland (7th), a promising young runner from Liverpool University gained the medal for the first man home in an unplaced team in the junior race, and the other two counting men for Wallasey were the junior team captain, Denis Kelly (16th) and new-comer Ernie Hughes (30th). Kelly, who won this race last year, was severely handicapped by an injured heel; Wallasey junior team suffers a setback for the remainder of this season, since Kelly has moved to Southampton on business. In the youth's (under 18) championship over 3 miles, Liverpool Harriers' phenomenal team swept the board placing 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8, to win the Municipal Cup. Wallasey's counting men were: Team captain Weir (11), Ken Ledward (18), Dave Johnson (24), Maddock (27), Whitburn (30) and Scammell (32). The senior (over 21) race over 7 miles was won in 42 mins. 19 secs. by Cheshire County champion Johnny Green, who succeeded in his determination to erase the memory of his eclipse the previous week, when he could only finish 4th counting man for Cheshire and his club Wirral A.C. again, won the Lewis's Cup. Once again the best of the Wallasey seniors was Denis Dickinson (14) ,(45 mins. 59 secs.). He won the first unplaced medal, the third consecutive year that this honour has come to W.A.C. Other finishers for Wallasey were Foster (23) (47 mins. 48 secs.), Tony Dickinson (32) (49 mins. 9 secs.), A. Dinsdale (35) (49 mins. 38 secs.)., Simpson (36) (50 mins. 8 secs.), and Hewson (40) (60 mins. 16 secs.), although in pain Dinsdale was plucky to continue the race when he knew that he must finish the course before Wallasey's counting six could be complete.