To the Editor of "The Wallasey News"
Sir, I was interested to see in the account of the Gala which appeared in your columns last week a reference to Wallasey Athletic Club. I was present at the Park on Wednesday evening and I was much struck by the efficiency with which the sports were organised, and on the splendid turn-out. I should like to congratulate the club on its efforts in aid of the Wallasey hospitals.
It occasions me great surprise, however, that the activities of the club do not receive more publicity in your columns. I have been resident in Wallasey for several years and was actually unaware of its existence. There must be many in a similar position to myself. It is; I belief, Wallasey's only Athletic Club and contains several very fine runners - if I am to judge from Wednesday night's performances. Yet nothing is heard of it in the Press, whereas local cricket and bowls teams receive weekly several columns in your paper. I hope that this is due only to the negligence of the club secretary, and that the defect will soon be remedied.
I and many others will be grateful for information as to the club's activities. What facilities is it provided with in Wallasey? Has it an adequate track and accommodation? In view of the stress which is laid on Physical Training at the present day, I think more citizens of Wallasey should concern themselves with these questions. - Yours, etc.,
It is not correct to say that no accounts of the doings of the Wallasey Athletic Club are given publicity in the local Press; Reports of the club's cross-country runs appear regularly in the "News" each winter season, and our columns are always open to assist in the advancement of athleticism and sport.
Editor, " Wallasey News"
Source - Wallasey News - Saturday, 17/07/1937
Ref 2657