Alan Pennington, son of Alderman and Mrs. John Pennington, won the quarter-mile when representing Oxford (Berkhamsted and Hertford) in the University sports on Saturday when Oxford beat Cambridge by the big margin of 76 points to 41, a large crowd being present at the White City despite cold weather.
Commenting on the race the "Manchester Guardian'' stated: "The quarter ought not to have been as close as it was, for Pennington went away much too fast in the first 150 yards and had to ease a great deal round the last two corners, but he had enough left to beat Palmer clearly enough."
The ' ' Times ' ' comment was that "Pennington had saved himself for the Quarter, and he won it easily enough, having banged himself away from the very start, leaving neither Palmer nor Loader any very real chance of catching him."
Source - Wallasey News - Saturday, 25/03/1939
Ref 2629