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Date Headline Ref Photo
03 September 1949   Young athlete's track feat
First full scale track and field championship of Wallasey Athletic Club were held at the Leasowe Road Playing Fields last Saturday afternoon, From the club's 200 members there were over 120 entries in 27 events, and a full afternoon's sport ranging from sprints to the pole vault and the hop step and
949 Head
03 September 1949   Woman's relay team
These four girl athletes comprise the 440 yds. relay team of the Wallasey Athletic Club women's section, formed last April, they have run consistently well at many open sports meetings this summer, but have been unfortunate, narrowly missing success on several occasions.
944 Penny Price, Brenda Humphrey, Beryl Hallam and Mary Currie Summer 1949 forming to 4 x 440 yd relay team.
Photo was published in the Wallasey News on 03/09/1949
24 September 1949 (New)   His 44th year as President
Mr. A. G. Nicholson was re-elected president of Wallasey Athletic Club for the 44th year in succession at the annual meeting of the club on Thursday at the Punch & Judy Café.
2534 Head
08 October 1949 (New)   Wallasey Athletics
The eight men forming Wallasey Athletic Club's team for the second annual Birkenhead 24-mile open road relay race on Saturday, October 22, a feature of Birkenhead's "Special Savings" week, will be chosen from the following : Bee, Bollard, Davey, A. Dickinson, D. Dickinson, Dinsdale, Foster, Hewson,
2535 Head
15 October 1949   Third in race of 50 runners
Boundary Harriers whose golden jubilee is this year were hosts for the annual monstre meet of the West Lancashire Cross-Country Association held at their headquarters at Old Roan last Saturday afternoon, when over 50 seniors and novices took part in a run which ended in the traditional mile break ra
950 Head
22 October 1949 (New)   Strong running by Dinsdale
Wallasey Athletic Club's time trial over 3½ miles of road last Saturday demonstrated the strong running of Arthur Dinsdale, whose 19 mins., 4 secs, was the fastest time by nearly 1½ minutes.
2536 Head
29 October 1949   Wallasey athletes fine performance
Wallasey Athletic Club acquitted themselves well in the Road Relay Races run last Saturday afternoon to inaugurate
946 Head
05 November 1949 (New)   Wallasey Athletic Club
Club members are requested to make their entries this week-end for the Waterloo Road Race (6 miles) next week, and are reminded that this afternoon at Club headquarters, Leasowe Road, the Wallasey Schools Cross-Country Championships will be held, when their services will be required.
2537 Head
19 November 1949   Road race run in gale
The Waterloo Road Race over 6 miles 6 furlongs, was run last Saturday afternoon in a gale of wind which severely buffeted the runners, who numbered more than 100 and represented all the crack clubs of North Western England.
951 Head
26 November 1949   Novice championship race
Wallasey Athletic club novice cross-country championship, for those members who have not won an open handicap or championship award at one mile or over, was decided over the 5-mile course at Leasowe last Saturday afternoon.
953 Head
03 December 1949   West Lancashire novice championships to-day
The cold drizzle which chilled Wallasey Athletic Club runners last Saturday afternoon at Leasowe did not deter Arnold Dinsdale, who returned an improved time of 42 mins. 48 secs. for the 7 mile course.
952 Head
10 December 1949 (New)   Athletics
The West Lancashire novice cross-country championship, run at West Derby in last Saturday afternoon's downpour, resulted in a victory for Liverpool Harriers (4, 7, 8, 9).
2538 Head
17 December 1949   West Derby hosts West Lancs Novice Cross-Country Championship
The West Lancashire Novice Cross-Country Championship run at West Derby in last Saturday afternoon's downpour, resulted in a victory for Liverpool Harriers (4, 7, 8, 9).
960 Head
17 December 1949 (New)   Cheshire County Cross-Country Championships
The Cheshire County Cross-Country championships were held at Stockport.
2384 Head
23 December 1949   Johnston reserve for county cross-country team
The second annual Cheshire County Cross-Country Championships, run at Woodbank Park, Stockport last Saturday, resulted in victories for East Cheshire Harriers with Wirral A.C. as runners-up in both the senior and youths' races.
954 Head
31 December 1949   Brothers share Christmas Handicap result
A field of 27 runners took part in Wallasey Athletic Club's Christmas Handicap over 5 miles in perfect conditions at Leasowe Road on Christmas Eve.
948 Head
07 January 1950   Wallasey A.C. trounced Sefton and Waterloo
Fielding their strongest team this season, Wallasey Athletic Club (25 pts.), defeated Waterloo Harriers (76 pts.)., and Sefton (92 pts.) in a triangular match over 7 miles at Leasowe last Saturday afternoon.
956 Head
14 January 1950   Wallasey runners beaten by Wirral A.C. over nine miles
Wallasey Athletic Club seniors tackled the full championship distance of 9 miles for the first time this season when they met their old friends and rivals, Wirral A.C. at Prenton last Saturday. Wirral (1, 2, 4 and 5) 12 pts. beat Wallasey (3, 7, 9 and 10) 29 points.
957 Head
21 January 1950   Dinsdale wins club championship
George Band, club senior champion in 1929 and 1932, was a welcome visitor from Wilmslow when Wallasey Athletic Club cross-country championships were decided at Leasowe last Saturday afternoon.
2147 Head
28 January 1950   Cross-country championships today
In fine cold weather at Court Hey, Broadgreen, last Saturday, Wallasey Athletic Club (73 pts.) found the opposition of Liverpool University (38 pts.) and Liverpool Pembroke (25 pts.) to strong for them, and had to be content with third place in the triangular Match over 7 miles won by the home team.
968 Head
04 February 1950   Bob Johnston's fine win in cross-country championships
The Liverpool & District Cross-Country Union annual championships were held at Woolton last Saturday afternoon, and although Wallasey Athletic Club's, teams were placed 4th in each of the three races, W.A.C. individuals gained their share of the medals.
967 Head
11 February 1950 (New)   West Lancashire Cross Country Championships To-day
Last Saturday afternoon Wallasey Athletic Club, Liverpool Harriers and Liverpool Boundary Harriers met at the latter's headquarters, Old Roan.
2586 Head
18 February 1950   Wallasey A.C.'s team spirit kept them on the map
The club-spirit which characterises the regular members of the Wallasey Athletic Club, was well illustrated last Saturday, when Ted Bollard (41st) realising that the club junior team, which was weakened by conscription and injuries, would be incomplete without him, borrowed running gear and ignored
966 Head
25 February 1950   Dickinson led seven-miler against Sefton
While many of their fellow club members grappled with sterner things to achieve a successful conclusion to the Jumble Sale at St. Luke's Memorial Hall last Saturday afternoon, the runners of Wallasey Athletic Club who had been excused duty in order to represent the club in the match with Sefton Harr
965 Head
04 March 1950   Wallasey A.C. at home today to champions
After a long period of away fixtures, which has lasted since the first week of this year, Wallasey Athletic Club return to their own headquarters in Leasowe Road today and next Saturday for two important fixtures, for which the active support of all members is urged, since many duties have to be dis
964 Head
11 March 1950   A.C. team's big lift at championships
The five members of Wallasey Athletic Club who made the trip to Birmingham last Saturday to compete with lifters from eighteen other counties in the All Midlands area championships were well pleased to bring three awards back with them.
963 Head
18 March 1950   A.C.'s victory over the Navy
At Leasowe on Saturday, Wallasey Athletic Clubs youths met a team from H.M.S. Conway over 5 miles, and inflicted an overwhelming defeat, upon them by 41 pts. to 108.
958 Head
25 March 1950   Wallasey A.C.'s victory over R.A.F.
A last minute fixture arranged when Wirral A.C. found themselves unable to fulfil their engagement, resulted in an excellent race at Leasowe last Saturday, where Wallasey Athletic Club's combined junior and youth's team beat an older team of National Servicemen from R.A.F. West Kirby by the narrow m
961 Head
01 April 1950 (New)   W.A.C. Road Race Trial Today
Wallasey Athletic Club last Saturday raced in the warm spring sunshine against Waterloo Harriers over a five-mile road course from the Nag's Head, Thornton.
2587 Head
08 April 1950   Newcomer wins road handicap
For the last occasion this winter season, Wallasey Athletic Club met at Leasowe Road on Saturday to hold their Consolation Road Handicap over 4 miles.
959 Head
15 April 1950   Wallasey were off the mark at Sefton
A fast lap by Dinsdale, who has been consistently returning fastest times since he became club champion in January, could, not offset the disappointing performances by other seniors in the Sefton Park Road Race Relay and Wallasey Athletic Club finished fifth, one place down on last year's result.
955 Head
22 April 1950   Track racing training
Monday, May 1, is the opening date of the summer track season and all members of Wallasey Athletic Club will be welcome at Leasowe Road playing fields.
945 Head
06 May 1950   W.A.C. weightlifters shine in Merseyside championship
In the Merseyside championships on Saturday, Wallasey Athletic Club emphasised its claim to be regarded as the premier weight lifting club in the district.
935 Head
20 May 1950 (New)   Athletics
Training for track and field events continues at Leasowe Road Playing Fields, where new members, men and women, are welcome to join Wallasey Athletic Club (for details, ring Hon. Secretary, Ron Hubbard, at Birkenhead 3550).
2588 Head
27 May 1950   Athletes Toe the Building Line
At the special meeting of Wallasey Athletic Club convened at Leasowe Road headquarters on Wednesday night by vice-president Mr. C. Humphreys, (chairman of the building sub-committee).
2148 Head
03 June 1950   A.C. success in sports festival
Members of Wallasey Athletic Club who attended the Second Birkenhead & Wirral Sports Festival at Upton on Whit Monday, were pleased to witness the success of their popular track secretary, Ted Bollard, whose pole vaulting won him 3rd place in the open handicap event.
937 Penny Price in the 100 yards at the Birkenhead & Wirral Sports Festival at Upton on Whit Monday 29/05/1950
10 June 1950   Platt gets a double in County championships
Members of Wallasey A.C. gained 2 firsts, 4 seconds, and 3 thirds in the annual Cheshire County athletic championships at Port Sunlight on Saturday.
938 Head
17 June 1950   Wallasey A.C. were best of three
In a triangular match at Speke on Tuesday evening, Wallasey Athletic Club (50 pts,.) defeated the home team, Dunlop H.A.C. (24 pts.) and I.C.I. Runcorn (14 pts.), thus avenging their narrow defeat by I.C.I. on the latter's home track last July and repeating their victory over Dunlop at Wallasey last
939 Head
24 June 1950   Six new records set-up in W.G.S. past v. present
Six records, including two school records, were broken in a most exciting Past v. Present athletics match held at Wallasey Grammar School on Thursday.
940 Head
01 July 1950   Platt, Northern hop, step and jump champion
Although the spectators who endured the inclement weather to watch the Northern Counties Athletic Association Championships at U.G.B. Sports Club at Eccleston, St. Helens, on Saturday to their conclusion were greatly moved by magnificent struggles between Eyre and Parker in the mile and between Aaro
941 Len Platt
08 July 1950 (New)   Athletics
Ted Bollard, who began his National Service with the Army last month, has been succeeded as track secretary of Wallasey Athletic Club by Ramsey Hewson, a long service Club member with a wide experience of track and field athletics.
2589 Head
15 July 1950 (New)   Competitors and officials in Youth Olympiad
Group shows competitors and officials at Wallasey's second annual Youth Olympiad held at Leasowe Road playing fields last Saturday
2590 Head
15 July 1950 (New)   Brookes Award Contest Next Wednesday
The annual competition for the Brookes Award for members of Wallasey Athletic Club aged under 19, in the 220 yards, javelin and high jump events will take place at the club track next Wednesday evening. At the conclusion of the contest, the award will be made by club vice-president, Mr. W. Brookes,
2591 Head
29 July 1950   W.A.C. meet with success at three meetings
On Saturday members of Wallasey A.C. were competing at three athletic meetings, and furthermore, they met with success at each.
942 Head
12 August 1950   Wallasey athletes successes at Chester and St. Helens
Wallasey Athletic Club's champion girl sprinter, Penny Price, was in excellent form last weekend, winning the ladies' events at the Clock Face Colliery Sports, St. Helens, last Saturday and the Chester autumn sports on Bank Holiday Monday.
947 Head
19 August 1950   Dinsdale does the six miles in 35 minutes
Wallasey Athletic Club's summer championships began at Leasowe Road playing fields on Monday evening and will continue until next Saturday afternoon, when the last thirteen events will be decided.
2154 Head
26 August 1950   Wallasey placed third in athletics match
The athletic match at Port Sunlight Oval on Saturday afternoon between seven local clubs resulted in a victory in the senior competition, for Liverpool Harriers with Sutton Harriers second and Wallasey Athletic Club third.
934 WAC team at Port Sunlight Oval