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Date Headline Ref Photo
01 November 1924 (New)   Hercules Athletic Club (Wallasey Harriers Branch)
The first home run took place last Saturday from headquarters, Cricket Pavilion, Harrison Park, when a good track, under the captain, A. E. McMaster, enjoyed an easy run of about five miles by way of the shore to Leasowe, through Moreton, Reed's-lane and back along Leasowe-road and Green-lane.
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15 November 1924 (New)   Cross-Country Running - Hercules Athletic Club
Last Saturday a pack of fifteen runners of the Wallasey branch went over a seven mile course by way of the marshes and Moreton. It proved heavy going but the run was enjoyed.
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29 November 1924 (New)   Hercules Athletic Club
The club novice championship took place on Saturday from Wallasey headquarters, Harrison-drive, when nineteen runners faced the starter.
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10 January 1925 (New)   Hercules Club Run
On Saturday last a club run took place from Wallasey headquarters (Pavilion, Harrison Park), when twenty runners formed into two packs, the slows taking a course of seven miles over what proved to be a very heavy course.
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