On Wednesday evening, at the Tower grounds, the second of the series of sports meetings promoted by the Hercules A.C., by arrangement with the Wallasey Sports Club, took place.
There was a moderate attendance, and the excellent programme provided capital entertainment. Details : -
100 Yards Handicap.-1, D. McBone (5 yards); 2, J. P. Cullin (9); 3, H. McMelly (5). 10 3-5sec.
Half-mile Cycle Handicap.-1, J. W. St. Clair, Walton C.C. (23 yards); 2, H. , B. Crewe, East Liverpool Wheelers (scr.); 3. F. Johnson, Birkenhead N.E. (30). 30 4-5sec.
Quarter-Mile Flat Handicap.-1, D. McBone (15 yards); 2, C. E. Gasteen (30); 3, J. D. Guile (5). 50sec. .
One Mile Cycle Handicap.-1, F. Johnson. B.N.E. (110 yards); 2, E. V. Johnson, B.N.E. (135); 3, J. W. St. Clair, Walton C.C. (110). 2min. 9sec.
One Mile Flat Handicap.-1, R. G. Baker (100 yards); 2, W. H. Dodd (90); 3 F R. Hogson (30) 4min. 44 1-5sec.
High Jump - 1, L. James (5ft. 8m.); 2, R. Robertson (5ft. 7in.); 3, C. Calland (5ft. 3in.). Note : With handicap allowance.
Source - Wallasey News - Saturday, 23/06/1923
Ref 2763