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Wallasey Athletic Club

There was a fair attendance on the track at New Brighton last Tuesday, members getting themselves in fettle for the next meeting, which, is to be held on Tuesday, June 5th.

Providing the weather will be all right, a good meet should be witnessed, as there has been a large influx of recruits into the club - some of a very promising character. The club has been fortunate enough to enlist as a member E. W. Moxey, the Grammar School's sport champion, who can show a fair turn of speed. Mr. Brooks has kindly consented to officiate as handicapper and judge. Nobody should have any cause to complain of his handicapping, which is very fair. The club now has about 60 members on its books, but considering the population of Wallasey and the local enthusiasm for sport, it should be nearer three or four hundred. There is not a healthier recreation existing than that of running. If those young chaps who have nothing to do of an evening would come and do a bit of sprinting at the track they would be doing themselves more good than propping up street corners and spoiling their wind by smoking, too many cigarettes. Those who interested should communicate with the Hon. Secretary, Mr. H. Heighley, 66 Grove-road, Wallasey.


Source - Wallasey News - Saturday, 02/06/1928

Ref 2744