The annual general meeting of Wallasey Athletic Club was held under crowded conditions last Monday evening with the president, Mr. A. G. Nicholson, as chairman.
In his report of the activities of the club during the year the secretary spoke of the many honours gained by Wallasey athletes both in cross-country events and on the track, special reference being made to the junior cross-country team which was first in the Liverpool & District, third in West Lancashire, and fourth in the Northern Championships, and the remarkable run of successes gained during the summer by B. O. Kivlin, the club's versatile track secretary. Throughout the year attendances on the active side were very high, the club being represented at every important meeting, and membership figures had recorded a new high record.
The treasurer's report revealed an extremely satisfactory state of affairs financially, all outstanding liabilities having been settled to leave a small balance on the season's working. The secretary's report and that of the treasurer were both adopted amidst applause.
Despite the call of the Services, which up to the present have claimed roughly a third of the active members, most of last year's officers were re-elected. Councillor Millward and Dr. W. R. Harris (who is very popular with athletes in the South of England) were elected as vice-presidents, whilst C. R. Hewson replaces N. I. Marples as junior sub-captain. Marples comes under the Military Training Act. H. R. Stanley is the now youths' sub-captain and R. Shields replaces J. A. Richardson, now in the Army, on the ordinary committee.
Officers of the club now read:- President: Mr. A. G. Nicholson; vice-presidents: Messrs. W. D. Band, W. S. Brookes, Captain J. M. G. Duguid, J. E. Fennessey, W. Harris, Dr. W. R. Harris, R. G. Hyde, R. J. Edwards, G. F. Lowes, C. I. Marples, W. B. Millward, J. Pennington, J.P., A. W. V. Scoins, C. Hilton-Spence, F. L. Thornton and R. Young; captain : W. R. Richardson; sub captain, F. K. Ledward; junior sub captain : C. R. Hewson; youths' sub captain : H. R. Stanley.
Hon. secretary: J. Edwards; hon. treasurer: J. L. Davis; track secretary : B. O. Kivlin.
Ordinary Committee : Messrs. J. S. Arkless, W. A. Geddes, R. Shields and W. G. Williams,
Handicappers: J. Edwards, R. G. Hyde and W. R. Richardson.
Auditors: R. F. Bollard and C. I. Marples.
The first cross-country run of the season will take place to-day, from Leasowe-road, when the three sections of the club will form the usual slow and fast packs. Enquiries about Wallasey Athletic Club should be made to the hon. secretary, John Edwards, 6 Ferndale-avenue, Wallasey; 'phone 4739.
Source - Wallasey News - Saturday, 07/10/1939
Ref 2636